In the world of sweet treats, there are cookie brands, and then there’s Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. With fan favorites that include “Big Sexy,” “Massive Eruption,” and “The Pudge,” the innovative company is reinventing the art of cookie-making and transforming its industry. As its loyal customer base continues to grow around the world, it is proving that sometimes a cookie really is far more than just a cookie.
Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. was founded in August 2018 by Aubrie and Brad, who are passionate about sweets. Brad’s weakness in particular has always been cookies. As the two traveled the world, they made a point of sampling local desserts and keeping a mental list of which places had the best cake, ice cream, donuts, and, yes, cookies. Their journey together took a fateful turn one day in April 2018 when Aubrie asked her Instagram followers to surprise Brad by sending him cookies for his birthday.
“He got over a thousand,” Aubrie remembers. “We had four huge bins full of cookies. Boxes came from all over the world, and soon our living room was full of cookies. Yes, it smelled fabulous.”
Brad, of course, could not have been happier. “It was the ultimate birthday gift, and it set off this amazing creative process. As we sampled all of them, we started comparing notes. What did we like about this one? What did we not like about that one? By the time we finished, we had the concept for Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. in our minds,” he says. “We would take what worked, set aside what didn’t, and put our unique twist on all of it.”
Just four months later, in August 2018, Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. was open for business, and sales took off. Cookies, after all, are the ultimate comfort food. Add to this the company’s gourmet touch and imagination, and consumers went wild. Stuffed cookies, such as the Big Sexy and Brown Sugar Bourbon, quickly became best-sellers, as did the one-pound MEGA™ cookies, including Pitchin’ Tents, Cookies Anonymous, and The Party Animal™.
“Each one is a masterpiece and has to be seen to be believed,” Aubrie confirms. “They are definitely for people who not only love desserts but are looking for something decadent. All of our cookies start with a unique base dough that stands on its own. Then we go for it, adding just the right amount of treats and mix-ins to create the perfect balance of flavors. Believe me, one cookie is never enough.”
Learn more about their story on this Facebook Post! [LINK]
With the success of Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co., Aubrie and Brad are now gearing up for the launch of their “MEGA™ Bites”: bite-sized, stuffed edible cookie dough with gooey centers that will delight customers. The company is also selling its cookies in Meijer™ locations across the United States, which is only the first stage of their expansion into big box stores.
“We are also expanding into the food delivery space through platforms like DoorDash™ and DashMart™,” Brad says. “We are working with other wholesalers so that we can bring our stuffed cookies to even more people around the nation. In the meantime, we are having an awesome time connecting with customers and surprising them with our MEGA™ cookies. Perhaps the best part of Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. is how the sight of one of our over-the-top creations never fails to make them smile. There truly is nothing like them.”
About Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co.:
Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. is all about creating over-the-top, gourmet cookies that blow customers’ minds. From 5.5-ounce stuffed cookies to its MEGA™ 1-pound cookies, it has something for everyone to enjoy. Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co. offers an Ambassador Program and a Loyalty Program that offer perks that include free cookies and merchandise, seats at the Flavor Creation Table, points that can be redeemed for discounted cookies, and more.
To learn more about Fat & Weird Cookie™ Co.’s stuffed cookies, edible cookie dough, flat cookies, and other favorites, please visit and follow the company on Instagram at @fatandweirdcookie.