Saturday, July 27, 2024

A New Breed Of Project Management Training: PM Revolution’s Hands-On and Simulated Projects System


The project management field has seen significant growth across the world. The Project Management Institute estimated that the industry is expected to grow to nearly 22 million new jobs by 2027. However, this demand will greatly exceed the supply of available prospective employees. This disparity is due in part to the fact that universities and certification programs don’t give their students chances to practically apply what they learn in a real world setting. Nick Stekovic, creator of Project Management Revolution, is providing industry hopefuls with a 12- to 14-week training program to gain knowledge and be able to apply it in practice, feel more confident during interviews, and turn their skills into lifelong careers as project managers.

Nick Stekovic has built his career over almost two decades. He has managed teams, projects, and portfolios for Fortune 500 companies across a wide spectrum of verticals, making him a highly regarded, multifaceted project management consultant in the business world. In mentoring and observing project manager degree and cert holders, he realized that there was a large gap between the abilities needed to confidently manage projects and people on day one and what project managers were prepared to do. He also saw time and time again that future PM candidates were not ready for the crucial situation-specific questions asked in interviews. 

By creating Project Management Revolution, Stekovic is tackling these issues head on. He is using his platform and this program as a means to help a new generation of future project managers overcome these limitations with a three-part solution: theory combined with practical application and psychology for everyday people and self-management, and as a bonus, resume writing and interviewing.

His hybrid coaching program begins with the prospective student exploring the process by taking a free masterclass, learning more about Project Management Revolution Program via Nick’s online social media profiles or his YouTube channel. The person then submits an application for evaluation, and, if accepted, will connect with Nick and his team regarding the next steps in the process.  The goal is to help the student incorporate studying into their busy life and create a realistic schedule for completing the program and eventually getting hired as a project manager in an organization.

As 90% of project management is people management, the program’s first step focuses heavily on psychology. The student receives a complimentary 35-page insight report on their personality, which will help them to understand how to master interviews, manage the diverse personalities they will inevitably encounter as a project manager, and handle the stress and challenges of the day-to-day job.

While step two involves the same theories taught by PMI, Nick’s students ultimately receive a far deeper explanation of them, one that builds on the importance of personalities and psychology. Students have a more nuanced understanding of the core foundations built on PMI’s Waterfall, Agile, and Hybrid methodologies and are ready for the third step: application.

Using virtually simulated projects, Nick leads his students to apply all three delivery frameworks (Waterfall, Agile, and Hybrid). Practical application is taken a step further through the teaching of Microsoft Project, SmartSheets, JIRA, and Confluence, crucial tools that project managers, and scrum masters must know in order to manage projects from basic to advanced. There is also a weekly live group workshop, where students can ask questions on the program’s materials and graduates can ask follow-up questions.

One especially valuable part of Project Management Revolution is the personal attention that Nick gives to each student, including through 1-ON-1 assistance with resume writing, coaching on how to nail interviews and answer situational questions, and providing numerous online sources for applying for project management positions. The ultimate goal is to maximize each person’s time and help them to avoid common mistakes that slow the job search. 

Interestingly, Nick Stekovic is there for project managers once they are hired. “The First 90 Days” contains a checklist with a list of key questions, and templates to follow, all designed to guide students step-by-step so that they can feel secure, manage themselves and other people, and be successful project managers as soon as they land that job. 

To help students prepare for the PMP Exam, should they want to take it, Project Management Revolution also provides 35 PDU credits on top of Project Management Revolution’s certificate. 

The program has a 100% guarantee that each student will land a project manager job as long as they follow the training closely, attend each weekly Q&A call, and ask questions. Individuals will be reassured by the company’s guarantee that if they do not land a job in the 16-19 week timeframe from the start of the program, Nick will personally coach them until they do. 

Nick Stekovic is building the Project Management Revolution program to be a one-stop shop for those who either wish to break into the project management industry or pivot their career and explore new options. By following the methods and utilizing provided resources, individuals can gain industry-level knowledge of crucial platforms and an enhanced understanding of both themselves and other people and ultimately step into project management confidently on day one.

Project Management Revolution was founded by Nick Stekovic, a 17-year PM veteran who has managed $150MM+ projects and led teams from Deloitte, Accenture, PWC, and CapGemini, among others. Project Management Revolution’s students have gone on to work for leading public, private, and government organizations around the globe. Nick Stekovic will be holding a series of in-person seminars worldwide in 2023, including in Toronto, New York, Austin, Belgrade, and Dubai. 

For more information on how to transition into a project management career in 12-14 weeks, please visit

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